Remembering Chicago Again (DVD)
Remember ration coupons, war bond rallies, and scrap drives? Remember drive-in movies, TVs with rabbit ears and cars with fins? This was Chicago in the 1940s and '50s. This WTTW documentary brings these years back to life through the touching memories and home movies of Chicagoans themselves. See old friends form early Chicago television like Kukla, Fran and Ollie, Miss Frances, Dave Garroway, and more. Rediscover hula hoops and yo-yos. Recall the days when ladies donned white gloves to go downtown and men shined their shoes to go on a date. Relive the patriotic spirit of the war years when everyone pulled together.
Individual Remembering Chicago DVDs are $60 each. You can select two Remembering Chicago individual DVDs for $100 by entering promo code 2FOR100 at check-out.